[development] Evil hack: admin/modules without memory restrictions

Allie Micka allie at pajunas.com
Sun Jan 22 16:10:05 UTC 2006

On Jan 22, 2006, at 9:55 AM, Khalid B wrote:
> As far as the  info file goes, we can have one for each module,  
> starting with:
>      DESC: This is the module description to show in admin/modules
> This can even be autogenerated for every existing module by running  
> a one
> time script to extract that info from the module itself, similar to  
> what Gerhard
> did.
> Later, we can add:
>     AUTHOR: blah
>     VERSION: blah
>     DEPENDENCY: blat1
>     DEPENDENCY: blat2
>     DBCREATE: blah.sql
> ...etc.
> You get the idea.

This seems like a sensible direction. But consider using an ini file  

author = blah
version - blah
dependency = "blat1, blat2"

(or all caps, if you like)

parse_ini_file($filename) will make short work of converting this  
into a useful array.  And it's already set up for different line  
endings, comment formatting (# or ;), and it matches what folks are  
already used to.

Allie Micka
pajunas interactive, inc.

scalable web hosting and open source strategies

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