[development] Evil hack: admin/modules without memory restrictions

Allie Micka allie at pajunas.com
Sun Jan 22 16:15:41 UTC 2006

On Jan 22, 2006, at 9:47 AM, Adrian Rossouw wrote:
> On 21 Jan 2006, at 2:49 PM, Jeremy Epstein wrote:
>> I think a file with a particular extension would work well (e.g.
>> modulename.desc - for 'description file'). But adding a .desc file  
>> for
>> every core module would be bad - would clutter up the core /modules
>> directory, and is not needed anyway, since there aren't that many  
>> core
>> modules, and any decent server can cope with loading all core  
>> modules.
> Wrong.
> All modules should be in their own directories to begin with.

With or without separate directories, modules can share a desc/info  
file with:

desc = "Manages the user registration and login system."

desc = "Logs and records system events."

And so-on.

Allie Micka
pajunas interactive, inc.

scalable web hosting and open source strategies

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