Project module updating (was Re: [bcc][faked-from] [development] renaming modules)

Khalid B kb at
Thu Jan 26 23:53:26 UTC 2006

> > The project module has gotten a bad rep due to neglect.  CSL,
> > Nedjo, and Dries have put a lot of work into improving it.  It's
> > time to stop calling for complete re-writes of the Project module
> > and for the community to start feeling comfortable submitting
> > patches to the most important module in Drupal.
> We all agree that project module is a core piece of functionality for
> our community.
> I have taken several runs at using it as a user, since the 4.4 days.
> Whether through neglect or it being fundamentally bad (chicken and
> egg...if it's bad, it doesn't get fixed), base functionality hasn't
> worked out of the box outside of People that have been
> around that long have all felt the pain, and are skeptical about the
> current codebase. So...just wanted to clear the air about that.

I did setup the project module once for a friend to evaluate as a platform
for collaboration for his development team (commerical product, Java,
only a few developers, spread worldwide, different timezones). Of course
this was on Drupal, with forums, ...etc.

This was in 4.4 IIRC.

His comments were that it was lacking features that he needs in a
non-Open Source volunteer environment. The first thing that caught his
attention was the inability to assign tasks to other people, but only
to himself.

Of course there were other considerations that made him decide not
to use Drupal (e.g. documentation was in Word format and wanted
to continue to use that format).

I am thinking of setting up project.module to track certain things I do
whether it is development tasks or bugs, but I think more features are
needed to make it useable outside of Drupal's environment.

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