[development] Patches 4.8 - New Theme

sime info at urbits.com
Tue Jul 11 03:58:40 UTC 2006

Trae McCombs wrote:

> On 7/10/06, *sime* <info at urbits.com <mailto:info at urbits.com>> wrote:
>     What I would like is to avoid discussion "implementation" and "sane
>     bases" and "building on". All that can come later, and will come, and
>     will be good. My agenda is moving focus of discussion to what is
>     missing
>     from core. *I think* that a "good looking" theme is missing, something
>     that puts Drupal's on a "sexiness" par with Joomla. 
> You are putting the cart before the horse.   Noone can build a pretty 
> theme, it's too difficult, unless you are Steven Wittens (he bud!) who 
> is a PHP Gawd along with his massive knowledge of the drupal theming 
> systems.  Someone like myself, who knows CSS and can do graphics is at 
> a disadvantage.  That is why we need the base theme so we can all 
> simply start hanging pretty stuff on skeletons.

Hmm, agree to disagree? :-)

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