[development] Giving credit for committed patches

Steve Dondley sdondley at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 19:08:40 UTC 2006

Well, you can just put a link where possible.

On 3/3/06, Morbus Iff <morbus at disobey.com> wrote:
> > But we could add some linking functionality--a convention for linking to
> > users in CVS commit messages like we currently have for linking to
> > issues using the # sign.
> I don't think this is the core issue - I think the core issue is that a
> few commiters aren't putting the names in the commit messages, so
> there'd be nothing to actually link.
> --
> Morbus Iff ( you are nothing without your robot car, NOTHING! )
> Culture: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.gamegrene.com/
> O'Reilly Author, Weblog, Cook: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779
> icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / jabber.org: morbus

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