[development] Re-Thinking Events in Drupal

Grant Malcolm grant.malcolm at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 13:27:21 UTC 2006

*first post*

Sadly, the IRC timing's really lousy for folks in australia.


So will I be excused if I stick in an email plug for catering for
non-contiguous multi-day events?

This is a particular requirement for some types of events; e.g.
performances: essentially the same event repeated over several weeks
but not necessarily on every day.


I added an extra table event_days

mysql> describe event_days;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| nid   | int(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| date  | int(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

where there is a row for every date that nid (the event) occurs.
Timezone isn't an issue with this example but you could probably just
use event.tz offset if it were. It's not visible without a login, but
I ended up opting for an utterly inaccessible js tool
(http://www.calendarxp.net/tt_flat.shtml) for inputting dates rather
than the couple of months' worth of check boxes I used to display.

It's a hack and I'm yet to clean up day, week, month views to use
occurences of date rather than start and end.

If I was clever, and I'm not, I'd have modified the module to add a
flag you can set (for each event?) to define whether it's repeating,
multiday, non-contiguous.... anyway, I hope it gives someone some


On 04/03/06, Angie Byron <drupal-devel at webchick.net> wrote:
> Hey, folks!
> At DrupalCon, there was a lot of discussion about where events are in Drupal and
> how they can be improved. I'd like to setup an IRC chat for us to try and hammer
> out how we can develop flexible APIs and where additional functionality is
> needed to make events in Drupal really shine.
> More details can be found at the following post: http://drupal.org/node/52104
> Hope to see you there!
> -Angie

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