[development] Table node_access: Deleting rows filled with 0s for all 3 grants.

Dave Cohen drupal at dave-cohen.com
Mon Mar 20 08:25:19 UTC 2006


My understanding is that you should not write the rows which grant nothing, as 
you state.  Regarding writing at least one row per node, even if it grants 
nothing, I'm not sure.  If you find that useful for checking integrity then I 
don't see it doing harm.

What is the expected behavior when a node has no grants in the node_access 
table?  I think either:

a) noone is allowed to view that node.  Or,

b) another module might write an entry to the node_access table.  That is, the 
user has two access control modules installed.

While (b) should remain possible, I think it will be rare.  More likely the 
user has made a node which noone can see, including themselves.  Is this 
really what they wanted?


On Saturday 18 March 2006 06:24 am, Keve wrote:
> Concerning taxonomy_access, there is an idea to remove (and not generate)
> those lines in table 'node_access' where all three types of grants are
> 0.(grant_view = 0 and grant_upadet = 0 and grant_delete = 0). Because
> actually only records which grants some permission affect node_access()
> behaviour.

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