[development] Updated scratch.drupal.org

Gerhard Killesreiter gerhard at killesreiter.de
Sat Mar 25 20:17:50 UTC 2006

Dave Cohen wrote:

>I tried to classify my module <http://scratch.drupal.org/node/53738>.
>I get an error message:
>You have to specify a valid CVS directory.
>In the edit form on drupal.org, I am presented with a fieldset called "CVS 
>integration" where I can specify a repository and cvs directory.  On 
>scratch.drupal.org, however, these options do not appear on the form.  They 
>appear to be required, however.  I can't classify my module until this is 

Thanks for letting me know, I will look into it (I'd really appreciate 
if someboy else could, though).
Please so not classify your modules on scratch /and/ expect me to carry 
over the data. Please do so after the upgrade on the main site.


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