[development] 404 handling

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Fri Mar 31 14:21:14 UTC 2006

Boris Mann wrote:
> On 30-Mar-06, at 9:03 PM, Neil Drumm wrote:
>> Ken Rickard wrote:
>>> This can cause real problems when an image or other file is missing,  
>>> A little research by our tech guys gives us this:
>> What sort of real problems?
>> And I think this is how it should be. All 404s are logged by Drupal, 
>> which is a good thing. And all the 404 pages look the same, also a 
>> good thing.
>> What am I missing?
> That 404s cause a full Drupal bootstrap, which can cause extra load in 
> really heavy environments. Handling it at the Apache layer, as is being 
> proposed, means it doesn't hit Drupal at all.

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