[development] Time to remove poll module from core

blogdiva at culturekitchen.com blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Wed May 3 03:51:31 UTC 2006

Disclaimer : I am not a developer but a bootstrapped blog publisher.  
I am here because ... well ... I guess I can.

I had asked before why this module could not be bundled in with the  
blog module; as in making it an extension just as comments and  

As someone who uses Drupal for a bit more than blogging, having polls  
in a post, the way Scoop sites have it, would make sense from a  
marketing research/political polling POV. Blog polls allow for  
immediate capturing of capture people's thoughts on a post. I  
honestly don't know why CivicSpace didn't steal that idea from the  
DailyKos crowd.

Anyhow, it's one of those features I'd

Liza Sabater, Publisher

Culture + Politics + Technology

New York grassroots news and activism

Feminist Bloggers Network

A new kind of vouyerism

AIM - cultkitdiva
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On  02.May.2006, at 11:16 PM, Derek Wright wrote:

> On May 2, 2006, at 8:05 PM, Khalid B wrote:
>> In another thread Derek asked why core has modules at all.
> that wasn't me.  i believe you're thinking of jeff eaton.
> i think drupal's "core" should contain some modules, even ones  
> beyond the required 4 or 5.  but, i'm in support of reducing the #  
> of modules in core, and distributing the work of maintaining  
> modules that are important, but not necessarily "core".
>> This has the benefit of slimming core even more and making it  
>> more  into
>> framework/API than a "blogging package" or "CMS package".
> agreed.  some things in core clearly don't need to be there, and  
> contribute to drupal's (undeserved but understandable) reputation  
> as "just a blogging package".
> -derek

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