[development] Move all core modules into their own directories.

Dries Buytaert dries.buytaert at gmail.com
Wed May 3 07:10:34 UTC 2006

On 02 May 2006, at 21:41, Adrian Rossouw wrote:
> The 2 things I am working on is the dependency system, which  
> introduces meta-information for all of the modules / themes / blah.
> And then there's the changes for the db api, namely  
> db_create_table, and db_add_column etc. functions.

Can you explain us more about said dependency system?  I've never  
been a big fan of meta-data files.  I remember that chx wrote a very  
simple dependency system that adds about 30 lines of code and no meta- 
data files.  It relied on a new _dependency() hook and that was  
pretty much it.  Sounds a lot simpler to me but maybe I oversee some  

Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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