[development] Time to remove poll module from core

blogdiva at culturekitchen.com blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Wed May 3 20:39:23 UTC 2006


On  03.May.2006, at 01:00 PM, Khalid B wrote:

>> As someone who uses Drupal for a bit more than blogging, having polls
>> in a post, the way Scoop sites have it, would make sense from a
>> marketing research/political polling POV. Blog polls allow for
>> immediate capturing of capture people's thoughts on a post. I
>> honestly don't know why CivicSpace didn't steal that idea from the
>> DailyKos crowd.
> I think what we can do is stop having polls as their own type of  
> content.
> They are an add on module, like upload (file attachments), nodevote  
> (votes),
> ...etc.
> In other words, they add polls on the form of any type of content  
> that the
> admin assigns it to be. So, we can have blog polls, forum polls,  
> page polls,
> ...etc.

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