[development] Time to remove poll module from core

blogdiva at culturekitchen.com blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Wed May 3 20:45:03 UTC 2006

Somewhere in the CivicSpace or Drupal archives I said something to  
this effect more than a year ago. But I can't code modules ...  
sigh ... but yes, this is exactly what I've advocated for in the  
past. I honestly do not understand why there are distinctions between  
blog, story and page. I find them redundant.

For someone who is a publisher/designer and minor tinkerer of  
modules, I'd consolidate those three into just the blog node and make  
that as extensible or static as possible.

Liza Sabater, Publisher

TEL - 646.552.7365
AIM - cultkitdiva
SKYPE - lizasabater

On  03.May.2006, at 01:17 PM, Jeff Eaton wrote:

>> I don't think demoting polls to a second class data type as
>> an answer; a
>> poll should be a node, but we need our blogs and forums to be able to
>> accept more content types than just 'blog' or 'forum'.
> I'm with Earl on this one. Blogs are not a *content type* even  
> though we
> treat them that way in blog.module. They're a container, and (in most
> cases) a presentation style. "Blogs" should be able to accept weblink
> nodes, images, polls, journal entries, and so on.
> --Jeff

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