[development] Time to remove poll module from core

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Wed May 3 20:58:58 UTC 2006

Op woensdag 3 mei 2006 19:17, schreef Jeff Eaton:
> > I don't think demoting polls to a second class data type as
> > an answer; a
> > poll should be a node, but we need our blogs and forums to be able to
> > accept more content types than just 'blog' or 'forum'.
> I'm with Earl on this one. Blogs are not a *content type* even though we
> treat them that way in blog.module. They're a container, and (in most
> cases) a presentation style. "Blogs" should be able to accept weblink
> nodes, images, polls, journal entries, and so on.
> --Jeff

Indeed. Blogs are containers. Once Working Code For Blogs As Containers here: 

Though now I think blog.module should really be just a viewsAPI :)


 [ Bèr Kessels | Drupal services www.webschuur.com ]

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