[development] Pathauto scaleability - path column in node / user table

Adrian Rossouw adrian at bryght.com
Mon May 8 16:53:40 UTC 2006

On 08 May 2006, at 5:56 PM, Earl Miles wrote:

> I have one request: When this goes in, ensure that modules can  
> affect the generated URL. This is essential to being able to keep  
> context on node views. Nodes often exist in more than one context  
> (imagine the multi-parented book) but it's impossible to do the  
> breadcrumbs right for it. However, if that context could be passed  
> into the node, we could do some very cool stuff.
You mean like with custom_url_rewrite ?

I've always thought url_rewrite should be a hook, not a function.  

many modules might want to alter url's for context and the like.

Adrian Rossouw
Drupal developer and Bryght Guy
http://drupal.org | http://bryght.com

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