[development] RFC: Candidate 'premium' modules

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Tue May 16 02:20:46 UTC 2006

Op dinsdag 16 mei 2006 02:46, schreef Karoly Negyesi:
>  No way. i18n is too closely coupled to  
> core to port it to a new version before release.

Good idea Karthik. And we should really not let the decicion on "criticalness" 
lie in technical issues. if i18n is "critical" then it is critical. Wheter or 
not it is hard to maintain or to port, is not a reason for marking it not 

But indeed. We need more details: why is something critcal. Who decides. Who 
decides who can maintain critical modules.


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