[development] Freezing the Drupal API

John Handelaar john at userfrenzy.com
Wed May 17 03:16:04 UTC 2006

Jeff Eaton wrote:
>> I was answering the question actually asked, Adrian,
>> not wilfully giving you something to take offence at :)
>> Calm down...
> To Adrian's credit, I didn't think he was offended, or needed to calm
> down. 

Point taken.  I'm *very* keen after the last couple of
days to not kick off another row by accident :)

> Perhaps you meant, 'Ecommerce and its related modules weren't ready at
> the same time 4.7 shipped, preventing many sites from upgrading
> immediately.' 

Indeed yes - the original question was in the order of
'what key modules aren't 4.7 ready yet?'.  Admittedly
that was about 200 angry arguments ago...  prolly shouldn't
have bothered replying.

John Handelaar

E  john at handelaar.org    T +353 21 427 9033
M  +353 85 748 3790    http://handelaar.org
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