[development] private message module maintainership

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Mon May 22 07:06:45 UTC 2006

On May 21, 2006, at 10:51 PM, Dries Buytaert wrote:

> Some of us could commit these patches, but I'm afraid few of us are  
> familiar with the privatemsg module.

if we don't hear from TDobes in the next week or so, we could at  
least grant cvs access for this module to matt westgate (http:// 
drupal.org/user/2275), the last person to make a non-translation bug  
fix to the module (http://drupal.org/cvs?commit=30231).  i'm not  
volunteering him to do the maintenance if he doesn't have the time,  
but if he's willing to do it, we could easily grant him access  
(anyone with administer nodes privs on drupal.org can alter the cvs  
access for a project, not just official project owner).  however, i  
agree we should give the current maintainer more time to reply before  
we do anything.

-derek (dww)

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