[development] Microsoft SQL Server

Robert Douglass r.douglass at onlinehome.de
Tue May 23 16:39:11 UTC 2006


I don't see why you shouldn't be able to commit that. I'm close to 
committing a module that assists you in signing up for a commercial text 
link ad program and don't see how your module or my module differ from 
the adsense module that Khalid referred to. Do you have a link to the 
discussion that surrounded your efforts to commit your module? As I 
stated previously, I, as a module consumer, would expect full disclosure 
about your ties to the commercial vendor (in my case they paid me to 
write the module and will reward me if anyone uses it), but that is more 
of an unwritten rule.



AjK wrote:
>> With regards to your module, it is in
>> direct contact with Drupal; you would have to make your module a 
>> "driver" to
>> your "proprietary" code to hold true to GPL.
>> This is how I understand it though. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong. 
>> Hmm...upon rereading your message, seems your module was just a 
>> driver to a
>> 3rd party commercial product. Do you have a link to the thread about your
>> module?
> All my module does is plonk some javascript in the page. The javascipt
> is "open" (otherwise who can use it?!). That javascript gets an image
> from a remote server to the users browser and it's that access to a
> different server that gets the stats (a bit like many of these page
> counters you see).
> That's all. If you want to use the stats gather, you need an account
> with the provider at the other end.
> My module is GPL and does not contain any code that is either non-GPL
> or otherwise not already in the public domain (like the javascript).
> So, that's it really.
> best regards
> --AjK

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