[development] Preparing for 5.0 string freeze
Angela Byron
drupal-devel at webchick.net
Thu Nov 16 03:58:17 UTC 2006
Status update on this, and replies to Neil's comments.
On 15-Nov-06, at 1:26 PM, Neil Drumm wrote:
> Angela Byron wrote:
>> a) A large patch, or series of patches, which "clean up" translated
>> strings; stuff like getting rid of \' and change t('<p>blah...') to
>> '<p>'. t('blah...') and such. Which would be best? One patch per
>> file,
>> or a large one that just makes these minor changes everywhere?
> If one change is questioned, then the whole patch is held back until
> resolved. If there was one big patch, then nothing is accomplished.
> But
> if there are smaller patches, then the others may continue through. Do
> whatever works best for the situation.
Since these were all very minor changes, Gurpartrap completely went
to town and rolled one for all of core. You can find it here: http://
I've reviewed it twice now, and think it's ready to go, but another
few pairs of eyes on this definitely couldn't hurt.
>> b) Reading of error messages, help text, field descriptions, etc. for
>> clarity. If something's not clear, we need patches submitted to
>> make it
>> more clear.
> Maybe not for this release cycle, but at some point I'd like to see
> written standards for all of these. An example from elsewhere is
> "Writing Good Alert Messages" in Apple's Human Interface Guidelines,
> http://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/
> OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGWindows/chapter_17_section_6.html#//apple_ref/
> doc/uid/20000961-TPXREF23.
I am 100% behind that idea, and will commit to getting that done
during the next release cycle, but if Dries wants to roll an RC early
next week, we simply won't have the time for 5.x. :(
In the meantime, just a basic "sanity check" will do, I think.
>> c) An answer to question posted @ http://drupal.org/node/92992:
>> Should
>> we remove the "You can" links from module help? And if the answer's
>> "yes", then patches to make that happen. (my personal vote is for
>> "yes"
>> since those bloody links were the bane of my existence when I was
>> writing those help handbook2helptext scripts back in the day).
> A more important issue is figuring out how to get the 'more help'
> links
> back on pages like admin/content/comment. The old linking code
> depended
> on paths, which all changed. Has anyone posted a patch for this?
There is now! :D http://drupal.org/node/97907
And there is also a patch for removing the "You can" links: http://
Additionally, here are some other "stringy" issues:
- Improve book.module help text - http://drupal.org/node/97889 (all
modules could probably use a once-over like this, actually)
- Fix one word links on admin by modules page: http://drupal.org/node/
- Add "Create X" links to admin by modules page: http://drupal.org/
If folks interested in seeing this happen could a) review the patches
mentioned in this mail and b) post if there are others that need
addressing, that would be great.
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