[development] Log In Bug

blogdiva at culturekitchen.com blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Sun Nov 19 21:00:00 UTC 2006

Hi gang,

Has the log in bug reported by Jasonwhat been looked at in updates of  

Some Users Can't Login in IE

This may have been the weirdest bug to date: Basically some versions  
of IE6 won't allow you to login to a Drupal site. It seems by the  
comments that IE7 may have an issue as well.

How did I solve this? Well, as hinted in comment http://drupal.org/ 
node/83822#comment-168204 if you login through SITENAME.COM instead  
of WWW.SITENAME.COM, then you don't have a problem.

So, in thinking about this, I went to settings.php. I had set the  
base_url as www.culturekitchen.com. I changed it to  
culturekitchen.com and, voila! The problem was solved.

I'd like comments on this --have I done this correctly or is this  
solution coming back to bite me in the arse ;)

Thanks for the heads up,
Liza Sabater, Publisher

TEL - 646.552.7365
AIM - cultkitdiva
SKYPE - lizasabater

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