[development] So you thought you get form API?

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Thu Oct 19 18:16:30 UTC 2006

On Oct 19, 2006, at 10:57 AM, Karoly Negyesi wrote:

> Great! You can join me on Gliffy.com drawing flowcharts.
> A taste of things to come is http://www.gliffy.com/publish/1088709/L

Our research on the Drupal administration survey shows that upgrading  
is the most difficult task.   In our interviews, we discovered that  
upgrading contributed modules, and in particular custom site modules  
was particularly difficult because of the effort that went into  
learning new APIs.

Karoly is developing these flow charts to transfer his expert  
knowledge to the non-experts in the community who need to understand  
the new Forms API.

Here is an outline of what the flow charts are going to cover:
1) Simplest forms workflow with these new steps.
-call drupal_get_form with the form_id and optional arguments
-retrieve the form: call the function that defines form

2) Form building with these new steps
-Pass down #post unconditionally
-Pass down #programmed unconditionally

3) If #input property is true
4) #multistep form
5) validate
6) submit
7) render

If you are interested in collaborating ask Karoly to add you to the  
collaborators list so we can work on the flow charts together.


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