[development] Authmap explanation

Jeff Beeman doogieb at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 23:15:12 UTC 2006

What's a good example of a module that uses authmap that I can look at for

// Jeff Beeman

On 9/7/06, Moshe Weitzman <weitzman at tejasa.com> wrote:
> > I seem to gather from the limited info I can
> > find<http://drupal.org/node/22268>that it's used to simple store user
> > data in another, possibly non-drupal
> > database on the same database server... am I right?  If so, how do I
> > tell it
> > which table in that database, and which field in that table, maps to
> user
> > name, etc.?  Or, is it used to simply allow multiple drupal instances to
> > use
> > the same user base?
> yes, it is a mapping between the drupal userid and an external userid. the
> decision of what table and what column in the external system is entirely
> up
> to the module which 'owns' the authmap record. see the 'module' column of
> authmap table. that module has logic either hard coded or in settings
> about
> connection details to foreign system. hope that makes sense.
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