[development] Multi-site absolute paths?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Thu Sep 21 21:05:05 UTC 2006

Op woensdag 20 september 2006 02:58, schreef Larry Garfield:
> You aren't typing them yourself, or shouldn't be.

There is one other potential issue, related to this.
Two sites on a multisite:

With some guessing:
shell.com/sites/greenpeace.org/themes/logo.png (look ma, shell hosts the 
greenpeace logo!)

Not a huge issue, but it can lead to nasty issues when two sites prefer to 
remain unrelated. Or when other sites start linking to funny files.

Did anyone find a solution for this by any chance? I've been playing with 
mod_suexec+file permissions and rewrite rules in the past, so far without 


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