[development] Theme patches

Earl Miles merlin at logrus.com
Tue Apr 24 01:00:37 UTC 2007

Kevin Reynen wrote:
> Since we are talking themes, establishing a minimum criteria for
> "certifying" themes as Drupal 5 or 6 compatible would be really
> helpful for module developers who rely on things I thought would be
> core to any theme... like print $scripts.

Yea, it's really really easy to miss this when updating a theme to Drupal 5 
from Drupal 4.7, since it doesn't always show the effects (though it's easy to 
spot if you just go to node/add/story and notice the lack of collapsing fieldsets).

> I'm going to include reverting to a default theme in a "things to try
> before asking" post, but the quality of some of the contributed themes
> is really spotty.

This is true of modules as well, frankly.

> I did not follow up to figure out which themes they were using because
> I really didn't have time to do anything about it, but I did recommend
> they post an issue for the theme.  Testing themes for few basics like
> print $scripts, php declarations on all tags, etc would be something
> folks new to Drupal could do to contribute.

> I'd actually be willing to put a series of tests together and get this
> started if there was a way to share the data with users.  I'm not
> interested in making subjective decisions about what looks good...
> only that the theme has all the pieces to function and play nice with
> that version of Drupal.

This is a good idea, and might go well with Doug Green's coder.module -- right 
now I think it only checks modules, but it could be made to check themes as well.

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