[development] aggregator2 update path complete!

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Mon Apr 30 01:29:54 UTC 2007

On 4/29/07, Ashraf Amayreh <mistknight at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've taken a look at the proposed API, what exactly is it helping us do? I
> saw the groups, but the only thing that I understood is that contributing to
> them would be advocating a need for an aggregation API, which frankly, I
> don't think is needed at all (I'm open to other opinions though if they're
> valid and convincing). Would the current 3 or 4 aggregation modules have
> been justified if they utilized an aggregation API?

No, hence why all the other folks are joining forces to work on seeing
if there can be some core upgrades. If you don't want to help with
core, that's fine.

> IMHO, we should make it compulsive that every module developer post to the
> mailing list before setting on a new module. This may prevent the
> catastrophe of so much repeated modules and repeated code.

That is the general guideline. But, of course, you're guilty of that
as well :P SimpleFeed and others were in progress when you came along.

Boris Mann
Office 604-682-2889
Skype borismann

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