[development] Views exposed filters hierarchical display

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Thu Aug 16 09:25:15 UTC 2007

On Aug 15, 2007, at 6:37 AM, laura oldenbourg wrote:

> Do I make any sense?

Yes, and I hope someone has a good answer for you. ;)  We're going to  
want exactly the same thing for the issue queues once they're ported  
to using views (which will be happening in the relatively near future).

Here's our use case: you start at project/issues and there's a  
dropdown for the project you care about.  Once you select that, it  
should filter based on that project, and then let you filter based on  
the components and versions available for that particular project...

For this to be real painless, there's needs to be some jQuery + Ajax  
for this.  The alternative is that the first level filter ends up  
redirecting you to a different page with the filter term as a URL  
argument (in your case, media type, in mine, the project name), and  
then the view on those pages can automatically provide the right  
additional filters based on the URL arg.  Or something. ;)

I haven't actually tried to solve this problem yet, so I don't have  
any real advice.  But I wanted to mention that drupal.org and  
project* will need this in the not-too-distant future, so anyone who  
wants to help Laura will also be helping everyone.

-Derek (dww)

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