[development] modules admin page still eating 1.5 times the memory?

David Strauss david at fourkitchens.com
Tue Dec 4 22:06:33 UTC 2007

Gábor Hojtsy wrote:
> scor notes at http://drupal.org/node/197720#comment-648567 that the
> modules page (in Drupal HEAD) still eats 1.5 times the memory when
> compared to the default home page. This looks quite scary, given what
> we would expect with all the .info file trickery, don't you think?
> It would also be good to invesitage what eats so much more memory in
> Drupal 6 compared to Drupal 5, especially that we moved a lot of code
> into conditionally included parts, so those should not be in memory.
> Others reproducing the above test (and especially more thorough
> experiments) would be highly appreciated.

I believe /admin loads all the .install files to check for schema updates.

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