[development] Desperate plea for help on the GHOP program

Peter Wolanin pwolanin at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 12:14:38 UTC 2007

Since I have previously written a set of tests, I think I can mentor.
Also - that's why I did stop at 3 rather than creating as many as
possible.  However, since I made neither of these points in my e-mail,
thanks to Angie for making them for me!


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Angela Byron <drupal-devel at webchick.net>
> To: development at drupal.org
> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 21:24:12 -0500
> Subject: Re: [development] Desperate plea for help on the GHOP program
> Peter Wolanin wrote:
> > I just posted three new (but very similar) proposed tasks involving
> > writing Simpletest tests:
> >
> > http://drupal.org/node/200784
> > http://drupal.org/node/200782
> > http://drupal.org/node/200780
> >
> > These crib heavily from webcheck's list here:
> > http://groups.drupal.org/node/5974
> Awesome! These are fantastic tasks, and with the level of detail we're
> after. Thanks a lot for taking the time to do this.
> The only concern I have is do we have enough people available to mentor
> SimpleTest-related tasks? I think Rok is pretty swamped. If people want
> to volunteer for one or more of these, could you respond to the issues?
> > Anyone with a few minutes to copy/paste/edit could create several more
> > form this list.
> >
> > Check the existing simpletest tests to avoid significant duplication:
> >
> > http://cvs.drupal.org/viewvc.py/drupal/contributions/modules/simpletest/tests/
> Let's keep it to 3 for now, I think, or at least no more than 5. I've
> just added a new FAQ entry at the bottom of http://drupal.org/node/200510:
> ---
> *Oh, I've got it! Let's just make 500 copies of the $foo task. Problem
> solved!*
> While we _could_ do this, please consider the consequences:
>      * We only have 200 task slots in total (and now, thanks to
> everyone's help, only around 100 left un-filled. w00t!). If we use up 20
> of them on one area, we're directly taking away from the number of tasks
> we can spend in another. We really need to decide whether that thing is
> _really_ worth using up 20% of our remaining slots.
>      * Remember that each task takes someone to mentor it (or preferably
> several someones) in order to ensure prompt turnaround on reviews so
> that students can take more tasks! Creating 20 "Create SimpleTest
> coverage for X module" tasks is no good if we don't have at least that
> many people (and preferably more like 50) who are up to speed on
> SimpleTest and are able to guide students through these tasks.
>      * If our task list essentially looks like a big copy/paste job,
> we're going to give the strong impression that we are lazy and aren't
> putting proper effort into the program. Students are likely, in turn, to
> not put a lot of effort into us.
> ---
> Btw, this isn't directed at specifically you, it was just a good example
> of something that's come up at least 5 times today so I wanted to
> address it. :)
> -Angie

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