[development] Op-ed: Posting FUD/flame bait to the front page is unproductive, disrespectful, an abuse

Earl Miles merlin at logrus.com
Sun Dec 30 05:34:52 UTC 2007

Caleb Gilbert wrote:
> ...and is not an appropriate thing to do for people with Drupal.org 
> <http://Drupal.org> frontpage rights.
> If there is something that an individual wants to talk out with the 
> active Drupal community it should be done on the mailing listing, in the 
> forums, in irc, Planet Drupal, via email or other appropriate places 
> which are NOT supposed to be reserved for ushering in newcomers. Of the 
> hundreds of thousands of people who visit the front page, only a few 
> hundred of them have enough inside knowledge of the Drupal community to 
> have an educated opinion, so why not spare the vast majority of 
> Drupal.org <http://Drupal.org> visitors from posts, which in their eyes, 
> likely serves nothing but to undermine the legitimacy of Drupal, its 
> community, and open source.
> Besides the practicalities of the situation it's also very disrespectful 
> and a betrayal of trust to the people/project who granted the frontpage 
> rights in the first place to do such a thing as posting personal 
> agenda-type items to the frontpage.
> Here's hoping that individuals and the community-at-large tighten the 
> reins around themselves/each other in order to avoid these 
> personal-soapbox situations in the future (unless it's to evangelize 
> Drupal, the community, or open source), because it seems to be having a 
> profoundly negative effect on morale...

I totally agree with you.

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