[development] No last access?

Carl Mc Dade carl_mcdade at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 12 13:40:29 UTC 2007

Well, I spent sunday evening being sick and looking over last access functionality historically as per Bérs advice. I looked back to version 4.4 to 4.7.4. a found surprisingly that Drupal has never really had a last access functionality. It has had calculation code to gather such information but nothing definative. Strangely enough there has not been too much call for this information so no one has noticed.

The reason  that I was  getting a  last access previously is because the re was another (ws_auth) module  loading the database. This module was only on my 4.7.4 test site not on later versions. So what I did was create a last access routine based on hook_user to satisfy my needs. I will post a feature request on this as there may be a greater need in the future for this to be a part of the API.

 Carl Mc Dade
Web Developer


----- Original Message ----
From: Carl Mc Dade <carl_mcdade at yahoo.com>
To: development at drupal.org
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:33:27 PM
Subject: Re: [development] No last access?


I am digging further. It looks like the order of process has changed. I tried to use hook_user to place my own timestamp in the database. This did not work. It seems that all user functions are after update. 

I will comeback with more information after more study of the behaviour.
 Carl Mc Dade
Web Developer


----- Original Message ----
From: Bèr Kessels <ber at webschuur.com>
To: development at drupal.org
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 12:22:59
Subject: Re: [development] No last access?

Op zondag 11 februari 2007 10:36, schreef Carl Mc Dade:
> This does not seem to be a problem in 4.7.4 but in 4.7.5+ and 5.1 calling
> user_load() functions $user->access and $user->login give the updated
> values and not the actual value in the database.

There were some security related changes made to the user _insert and _update. 
Maybe thye have to do with this? I suggest you browse through the cvs logs of 
user module to isolate the cahnges that cause this behaviour. Once 
identified, and detailed, I am sure there are people willing to help you 
solve the issue. It hmight have been an intentional change, it might have 
been a new bug introduced by one of the security fixes.

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