[development] situation with unmaintained user-contributed modules

Gerhard Killesreiter gerhard at killesreiter.de
Thu Jan 4 21:51:17 UTC 2007

jillsemail at bendbroadband.com wrote:
> Hello,
> What is the process to 'fix the situation' when the module developer does not respond to any posts about  his/her module via the 'issues' process and does not do anything when users contribute patches to fix bugs or add features? 

If you are interested you can volunteer to take over such modules.

> And, to make it more difficult, some developers have set their profiles so that they cannot be contacted via email, meaning there is no direct way for a user to communicate with them. I understand not wanting to be bothered, of course...but how does one know if they have 'lost interest' or are 'just busy'?

You can always use the issue tracker to create an issue against 
drupal.org maintenance. The webmasters can contact a user even when the 
contact tab is disabled.


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