[development] Splitting hook_menu into hook_menu and hook_router

Dries Buytaert dries.buytaert at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 07:16:19 UTC 2007

On 19 Jan 2007, at 00:29, Darrel O'Pry wrote:
>>> For cases like private files and xml-rpc interactions where the
>>> visible
>>> menu is not needed, there is less data to crunch before we get to  
>>> the
>>> workhorse callback.
>> The XML-RPC backend doesn't actually use the menu system so your
>> example is moot.  It has his own dispatch mechanism.  Even if it
>> would use the menu system, 99% of the time people are serving pages
>> with menus.  We should optimize for the common case.
> So maybe XML-RPC was a bad example, private files still are. Maybe  
> files
> just need there own .php which would also make my point moot.
> There maybe some other MENU_CALLBACK(~80)'s that don't need a menu,  
> also
> anytime we find ourself at a drupal_goto(~50) we can probably live
> without having a menu. So the menu thing is only built on demand we  
> have
> a few spots we can avoid building it.

Good points.  These examples make sense to me.  Thanks Darrel.  I can  
start seeing some of the potential, but we'll want to back that up  
with real tests.  Interesting stuff.

Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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