[development] adoption for 'abandoned' modules?

Darren Oh darrenoh at sidepotsinternational.com
Fri Jan 19 17:01:33 UTC 2007

On Jan 19, 2007, at 11:41 AM, Karen Stevenson wrote:

> Also, I would require that anyone listed as a maintainer must have  
> their contact form enabled, otherwise they get de-listed and their  
> project gets put up for adoption on a special adoption page. OK,  
> maybe that last bit is a little strong :-) but whether or not there  
> is a way to contact the maintainer should be another factor in our  
> 'gold star' system.

Not too strong at all. If a person wants to control a project but  
doesn't want to be contacted, he should maintain the project on his  
own computer, not on Drupal. Let people who disable their contact  
forms have CVS access, but find someone who will actually maintain a  
project to be the maintainer.

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