[development] comments as nodes

Angela Byron drupal-devel at webchick.net
Tue Jun 5 02:41:21 UTC 2007

On 4-Jun-07, at 10:26 PM, Karoly Negyesi wrote:

>> Ideas are welcome.
> What we can do is that we make it mandatory that every single  
> nodeapi module to become type based -- there is particularly little  
> point in adding a path to a node type that will be a nodecomment.

Karoly asked me to summarize our discussion tonight:

1. A nodeapi registry makes it so you're not blindly calling 4000  
functions per comment on a page. If entries are keyed by node type,  
you only call the specific hooks that need to be fired for that node  
2. However, currently there are modules such as path, book, and  
upload which act on all modules indiscriminately. Forcing these  
modules to be enabled per-node-type would allow switching off the  
silly functionality that doesn't make sense for comments. But the UI  
will be icky... 30,000 radio buttons at admin/content/types/foo. :P
3. Touano of the DruBB group actually did some benchmarking of  
nodecomment module: http://groups.drupal.org/node/3550 ... however,  
Karoly pointed out that there are many optimizations that could be  
made to the code in order to get it core-worthy.

So if we can solve 2 and 3, we're in business. ;)


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