[development] Use revisions to replace previews

Syscrusher syscrusher at 4th.com
Fri Jun 8 14:19:11 UTC 2007

On Friday 08 June 2007 10:04, Peter Wolanin wrote:
> AFAIK, node insertion is a pretty expensive operation - it seems to me
> that executing this on every node preview would be a performance drag.

Not only that, but I have visions of a database full of trivial or even
identical node revisions. For example, what if the user changes only the
taxonomy selections and then previews the node? All those DB queries and
extra data in the table, for nothing. Or they change a bit of HTML formatting
and preview, trying several times to get it just right. The user may have
only worked for a couple of minutes, so what's the value in preserving all those
revisions? Backups have value only if the archived data takes less time to
restore than to recreate from scratch.

I'm not violently against this idea, but neither am I convinced of its real

Count me as a "- 1/2" based on what I've read so far on this thread.


Syscrusher (Scott Courtney)          Drupal page:   http://drupal.org/user/9184
syscrusher at 4th dot com            Home page:     http://4th.com/   

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