[development] Requiring node revisions

Michael Favia michael at favias.org
Fri Jun 8 14:57:55 UTC 2007

Larry Garfield wrote:
> That may be fine for a default setup, but if I for whatever reason *don't* 
> want revisions saved (does it matter why?) for a given node type, I should be 
> able to make that happen without scheduling a block of time every Friday 
> afternoon to go through and manually delete them, and I should be able to do 
> it without dipping into contrib.  That is a complete and total waste of my 
> time.
nobody responded to my spattering of messages regarding the 
administrative interface that would allow you to designate this per each 
content type and set 2 optional criteria including the total number of 
criteria and the oldest date to keep to using 2 select boxes. The 
selections would of course also allow you to not keep revisions by 
saying "None".

A "Revision History" field group in admin/content/types/$type with:
Maximum number of previous revisions to keep: (Select Box with the 
following options: None, 1, 5, 10, 25, 100, Unlimited)
Delete revisions older than: (Select Box with the following options: 
Never/None, Today, 1 Week, 1 Month, 1 Year)

The valid concerns of both sides are resolved no? All without 
unnecessarily complicating the node creation form.

Michael Favia                   michael at favias.org
tel. 512.585.5650        http://michael.favias.org

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