[development] Book to Book-Pages... Many to many relationship??

Dave Cohen drupal at dave-cohen.com
Fri Jun 8 21:30:32 UTC 2007

I had a similar need with a recent project.  Although I was not using book 
module, this idea may help Dan.  I made the site so that multiple URLs could 
show the same node.  Here's a real life example to show what I mean...

Start here: http://theorphanage.com/ocp/portfolio/director/1054.  This url is 
a view, and 1054 is the term id of the director who is featured on the page.  
Note the links on the right.  Each of the four projects is a node.  If you 
click on the first you get brought to 
http://theorphanage.com/ocp/portfolio/director/1054/1009.  In this case 1009 
is the node id.  But note that the URL is not ?q=node/1009.  Instead the node 
id is appended to the prior URL.  And this information is used to maintain 
the navigation on the left.  Again, not using books here.  Using views, and 
making the node id an argument to the view.

Just to drive the point home, here's the same node shown with a different left 
navigation: http://theorphanage.com/ocp/portfolio/recent/1009

I hope that helps at least a little bit.


On Friday 08 June 2007 01:26:29 pm Peter Wolanin wrote:
> Dan,
> This is a non-trivial undertaking because you need to be able to
> maintain your context (i.e. which book are you currently browsing, so
> that you know which page is the next/previous, etc.)

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