[development] AB-Use revisions to replace previews

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jun 10 15:01:19 UTC 2007

Quoting Victor Kane <victorkane at gmail.com>:

> Certainly what you write is food for thought.
> But, surely, a "save and continue" button could be placed in as an option?
> Because the fundamental thing here, and this is not just a single
> case, is for Drupal to continue to grow as a web application
> framework. The absence of this option (even the frugal gmail interface
> includes a "Save Now" button as I write this) keeps Drupal in the
> "web" corner and doesn't allow it to be seen as a full fledged
> "application".
> Of course, modules such as autosave help here; but I do not think that
> a save and continue button is a single case; certainly it should be an
> option for all content types.

A save now button makes sense where it is left unpublished regardless 
of the workflow setting.  This should be easily accomplished but so is 
dropping down the workflow and unmarking the radio button.


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