[development] Module naming conventions (was Re: Naming the CVS abstraction module)

Richard Morse remorse at partners.org
Mon Jun 11 17:29:49 UTC 2007

On Jun 11, 2007, at 6:16 AM, Chris Johnson wrote:

> CamelCase can get really out of hand, but I hate typing underscores
> with a passion.  It's in a really weak (and worse, sometimes variable)
> location on the keyboard.  I'm a touch typist -- I can scream along as
> long as I stay out of the symbols.  But having to type - or _ between
> letters really ticks me off, because then I spend 10-20% of my time
> correcting mistakes.
> I don't know what the solution is, but the choices seem to be between
> bad and worse.  :-(

You could learn how to type in the Dvorak layout.  Then, the  
'-' (and, perforce, the '_') key are where the "'" key is now, so you  
just use the pinky of your right hand...


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