[development] Announcing cvs_deploy.module

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Wed Jun 13 02:04:44 UTC 2007

Hello world,

FYI for anyone who cares about deploying Drupal sites directly via  

As per the discussions at:

(about providing support to update_status for folks who deploy from CVS)

(about moving all CVS-specific code out of update_status)

and my meta comments on Dries's article about git:

I decided to create a new contrib module called "CVS deploy":

See the description on the project page for more info.

I'll make some release tags soon, probably once update_status 5.x-2.0  
(at least a beta) is out.  Meanwhile, HEAD is for 5.x core.

-Derek (dww)

p.s. I hope to integrate this with drush_pm.module in the future to  
finally implement my dreams for a script to automatically update a  
site to the latest recommended official releases from all of your  
currently installed modules, directly via CVS.  For the interested  


p.p.s. This module is only targeted at power users/developers who  
deploy sites via CVS, which is why I'm spamming this list about it. ;)

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