[development] Drupal 5.2 ?

Gordon Heydon gordon at heydon.com.au
Sat Jun 16 10:44:24 UTC 2007


This will be great, but can we please have issue 
http://drupal.org/node/138117 into 5.2, as this is giving E-Commerce 
plenty lots of grief.

I spoke to killes about it, and he wanted it into HEAD first, and Dries 
replied today that with a little documentation it was RTBC. I have done 

I would wait until it goes into HEAD, but we can't want another point 
release of Drupal to get this in.

Please look at getting this commited for 5.2


Robert Douglass wrote:
> There have been more than 110 bugfixes since Drupal 5.1. When are we 
> planning on releasing 5.2?
> http://drupal.org/project/cvs/3060?nid=3060&branch=DRUPAL-5
> !DSPAM:1000,4673a742110121117628507!

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