[development] Go PHP 5, Go!

Victor Kane victorkane at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 12:13:24 UTC 2007

One thing we can do is plan to have synchronized, well-publicized free
workshops in every major city in the world, at some point well before
the official release of Drupal 7, covering all issues (and popular
hosting venues) and giving complete hands-on practice on backing up,
and upgrading.

Each Drupal Users Group can play a major role here in this major step forward.


Victor Kane

On 6/20/07, Dries Buytaert <dries.buytaert at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19 Jun 2007, at 12:19, Robert Douglass wrote:
> > This is not the time to be timid. We as developers know deep in our
> > hearts that PHP5 is the best thing for Drupal. The amazing
> > resonance that Larry and I have been receiving from the developers
> > on other projects shows that we're not alone in thinking this.
> I'm playing devil's advocate to make sure that we're all on the same
> page, and that we understand the consequences of this bet.  We're
> putting a lot at risk here.
> Mark my words: a PHP5-only Drupal 7 will leave many, many Drupal
> users behind.
> --
> Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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