[development] Date Calc and ADODB date library

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Fri Jun 22 22:30:47 UTC 2007

On Jun 22, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Karen Stevenson wrote:

> Anyway, the basic question is whether this is something that makes  
> sense for core.

IMHO, yes.  However, my vision is obscured by the fact that I  
maintain a module that does a fair bit of date-based logic (signup).   
Actually, now that I think about it, there's date logic in many of my  
modules (update_status, project_issue, project, project_release, etc).

Given how prevalent dates are in the universe, I'd say this belongs  
in core.

> And my original question -- does anyone know exactly how I should  
> attribute the original authors and licenses in my Drupalized version?

Sorry, I don't know.  When in doubt, I'd start with including the  
entire copyright notice and license text, as is, and then add  
something to the bottom about "Relicensed under the terms of the GPL  
and modified for the Drupal code base by KarenS ...".  Others may  
have better ideas.


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