[development] Multilingual Drupal?

Jose A. Reyero drupal at reyero.net
Sat Jun 30 12:03:24 UTC 2007


Yes, this is one more of the last-minute -desperate- calls for help
about patches in queue for Drupal 6 ...

So far, we've made a lot of progress with multilingual features for next
version. But there are still a lot of elements that cannot be localized
or translated, too many for us to say yet "Drupal is multilingual".

This is a very minimum set of -small- patches we'd need, most of them
not to have it fully implemented in Drupal core, but to allow
contributed modules to hook in and do the job. Then we'll be able to
pick the best solutions and fully implement the features, maybe in
Drupal 7...

- Minimum support for multilingual variables, http://drupal.org/node/155381
  Just a few lines of code in variable_get()
- Object translation wrapper, http://drupal.org/node/155047
  Wrapper for content types, aggregator categories... to allow
translation before displaying them
- Send e-mail to users in their language, **http://drupal.org/node/82499
  Simple mail callbacks to send email in the users language. This is the
biggest one on this list.
- Adding db_rewrite_sql to blocks query, http://drupal.org/node/155282
  One line patch to allow blocks per language

And if you have the time, here's the full list with some other features
that would be nice to have: http://groups.drupal.org/node/3714

Thank you,

Jose A. Reyero

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