[development] taking a break

Karoly Negyesi karoly at negyesi.net
Sat Jun 30 17:56:48 UTC 2007

> > patch got commited. I complained long and hard in the issue queue  
> > over the years for helding up this or that important feature over a  
> > space or two.
> No need to point the finger at John.  Rather than complaining, you  
> should be happy and excited about John's work, and you should be  
> grateful for the time and energy he put into the actions module.
> Besides, most of your big patches had various critical bugs too. Is  
> that a shame? I don't think so. It happens and usually we are quick  
> to fix those.  That's why we're still in "development mode".

Then I was not communicating clearly enough. I thought starting with a quote from the Animal Farm will be clear enough but it was obviously not: I am deeply disappointed with the fact of the commits and non commits. I am not pointing at John, if anyone, then my finger points to Dries for making an exception here. Or to the reviewers for not catching the many code style errors. Or I am just frustrated with deletion API and what I perceive as unfairness with the book patch. Or I just might be sleep deprived. Pick whatever.


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