[development] FormAPI in Drupal 6: patches to test!

Jeff Eaton jeff at viapositiva.net
Thu Mar 15 20:45:44 UTC 2007

With the attention that has been focused on the menu system, a number of 
other areas haven't been able to get as much love until now. There are, 
however, a number of key features that could make it into Drupal 6. One 
of the first steps in this suite of changes is eliminating that onerous 
oddball, the #base property.

http://drupal.org/node/128081 does just that, eliminating the 
long-confusing use of #base in favor of explicit #submit and #validate 
declarations when forms need to utilize shared submit and validate 
functions. This means that devs can use the same techniques and 
structures when defining the original form as they do when altering the 
form later. It's a good thing, and it eliminates some weird bits in 

Anyone who's interested in helping, please drop in on the issue and test 
it. It's the first step in a list that includes features like 'unique 
per-button callbacks' and 'improved multistep handling.' hooray!

--Jeff Eaton

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