[development] Scalability, Load Balancing, and High Availability - Possible SoC Proposal

Allister Beharry allister.beharry at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 12:24:23 UTC 2007

I'm going to be doing a SoC application for a scripting tool to
quickly build a Drupal virtual machine image given configuration
parameters like type and config of web server, PHP, DB, Drupal config
and enabled modules, db topology, and sample data and users to load.
Robert Douglass spotted this as part of a performance and scalability
testing environment:


On 20/03/07, Bèr Kessels <ber at webschuur.com> wrote:
> Op dinsdag 20 maart 2007 10:19, schreef Gerhard Killesreiter:
> > > One of the main problems with this as a SoC proposal is that a large
> > > majority of what needs to be done here is OS/web server/database server
> > > specific. There would probably be a lot of Drupal specific stuff, but I'm
> > > not sure exactly how much.
> >
> > I am afraid all you'd really do is to try things and to document them.
> > As I understand SoC this does not qualify as a project since no code is
> > produced.
> You could turn the documents into code, when you think of producing a Drupal
> installation profile, or even makefiles or vendor packages (.deb, .rpm etc)
> that contain all the required options, settigns and configurations. That
> would be a concrete result. However, maintainance of such packages or
> profiles is a lot of work, so you will need a plan for that too, when you
> choose this route.
> --
> Drupal, Ruby on Rails and Joomla! development: webschuur.com | Drupal hosting:
> www.sympal.nl

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