[development] Scalability, Load Balancing, and High Availability - Possible SoC Proposal

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Tue Mar 20 11:13:42 UTC 2007

Op dinsdag 20 maart 2007 10:19, schreef Gerhard Killesreiter:
> > One of the main problems with this as a SoC proposal is that a large
> > majority of what needs to be done here is OS/web server/database server
> > specific. There would probably be a lot of Drupal specific stuff, but I'm
> > not sure exactly how much.
> I am afraid all you'd really do is to try things and to document them.
> As I understand SoC this does not qualify as a project since no code is
> produced.

You could turn the documents into code, when you think of producing a Drupal 
installation profile, or even makefiles or vendor packages (.deb, .rpm etc) 
that contain all the required options, settigns and configurations. That 
would be a concrete result. However, maintainance of such packages or 
profiles is a lot of work, so you will need a plan for that too, when you 
choose this route.
Drupal, Ruby on Rails and Joomla! development: webschuur.com | Drupal hosting: 
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