[development] Tarballs not created - What is missing?

Earl Miles merlin at logrus.com
Fri Mar 30 17:42:18 UTC 2007

Cog Rusty wrote:
> I am currently the sole maintainer of the Greek translation
> (drupal.org/projects/el).
> In February, a user (fubar, http://drupal.org/user/107150) committed
> an (unfinished) Greek translation for Drupal 5 to HEAD without my
> knowledge. At the time there was no DRUPAL-5 branch, I noticed those
> files in CVS accidentally and I had a short conversation with fubar in
> an issue (http://drupal.org/node/125682).
> So, I decided to make fubar's work a 5.x-dev release.
> - I branched his files to a new DRUPAL-5 branch in CVS
> - I added a new project release for that branch.
> I waited 24 hours and no -dev tarball was created.
> In CVS, the DRUPAL-5 branch exists and contains the right files.
> In projects, there is only a pink entry with no files for el
> 5.x-1.x-dev in "view all releases"
> (http://drupal.org/node/11417/release) and there is no tarball.
> My next attempt was to add something myself into that branch and to
> make a specific release, so:
> - I committed a readme.txt file containing a "work in progress" notice
> to the DRUPAL-5 branch.
> - I tagged all the files of the DRUPAL-5 branch as DRUPAL-5--0.1-alpha
> - I created a project release for that tag.
> No luck. Another pink entry appeared for an el 5.x-0.1 release
> containing no files, and no tarball was generated.
> There have been several days since. What am I missing?

The release system currently has a problem that if translations do not 
correctly parse, no tarball is created, but there is also no feedback about 
this. There is an issue (sorry don't have nid offhand but it's searchable) in 
the project.module queue about this.

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